Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Year in rewind

No matter what happens, good or bad, life goes on and on.  2015 year has come to an end now. With the end of the year, it's time to realize that I have become a year older by age and in service. Most important realization of all is that I'm a year closer to my death. I would cherish 2015 year as one of the most memorable years of my life. Many important national events took place in 2015. A historic celebration of the 60th birth anniversary of our great fourth Majesty took place and His Majesty declared the news of the birth of a royal heir. Apart from national events, there are few important events that took place relating to my life. I also took few important lifelong decisions in 2015.
 It is time to revisit and check out my resolution if I had set one- how far I have lived up to my resolution and how far I have been shaped by resolution and become a changed man at the end of the year. It would have been interesting to revisit my resolution, but I don't remember I had set any resolution as such.
 I completed my probation period in the civil service and regularized my service as a regular and full- fledged civil servant. I also got married and became a husband. I worked in Thimphu District Court for about a year and from March 2015 I was transferred to Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, I had a chance to work directly under Honorable Chief Justice. In May, I accompanied Honorable Chief Justice to Bangkok for UNEP conference. In July, I also took leave from office and went home to meet my parents. Towards the end of August 2014, I came to Washington for LLM. And lately, I have completed my first semester of LLM course.
I did not have a good start of 2015 year. On the new year eve, I had to wait in the hospital for my grandfather who was referred from Mongar Hospital. On January 1, I went to Wangdi on official tour for dividing the properties between the divorced husband and wife. When I was still in Wangdi, I heard the news of my wife’s relatives met an accident in Trongsa and  rushed back to Thimphu. Although I did not have a good beginning of 2015, but, at least, had a good end of the year without any other major problem. Thanks to Kencho Sum and everyone for making 2015 a great and memorable year!. 
At the end of the year, as a civil servant I am constantly reminded of two duties. Duty to file income tax and declare assets. I am constantly reminded of these two duties all because of my last year's failure to declare assets on time.  ACC nearly imposed me the penalty for late declaration. But my justification of being a fresh civil servant worked well to excuse my late declaration. This year, though away from home, but justification may not work every time. So, last year's failure gave me a lesson to remain constantly reminded of such duties at this time of the  year. 
 It is time to begin another new and fresh chapter of life with new hopes and aspiration. With ever committed prayer for peace, happiness and prosperity. Forget the hatred of the past, recall the past failures as a lesson for achieving success in the new year ahead. May all the misfortunes go away with 2015 year and May the new year bless us lots of luck, happiness and peace !HAPPY NEW YEAR-2016!

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