Sunday, October 16, 2011

Walking in the Moonlight

All dressed with the best of their attires,

While guys with fancy outfit

The girls with skimpy and funky outfit

From different colleges, together

We all gathered, though in foreign land

Yet for Bhutanese special cause,

The celebration of Royal Wedding.

With gamut of activities, the celebration

Ended, it was already past midnight then

All dispersed for their respective homes

Alas! Like an abandoned children,

We were all alone left out,

Neither our girls nor Autos turned on us.

Autos, despite number of calls

And reminders refuted to come

 Their wealth- In emergencies or

When we are  terriblly in need,

We become their puppet,

That drove us nuts,

None of us wanted this,

Rather as guys, wanted to use

 Our inherent wealth too,

The strength and boldness.

Despite, a few of us almost plastered,

Whilst some just tipsy, but

All of our legs were fatigued for having

The day football match for one,

And evening jam of beating the cemented

 Floor so hardly, as hard as to groove

The floor, for another. Nevertheless,

We decided to walk all the way to college

Of course with all zest and zing

Up in the sky all stars seemed already dozed off.

Despite repeatedly we tried gazing

We could hardly see any twinkling star

The moon was all alone we could see

Lighting the whole Universe so brightly

Down the earth we were all alone walking

On the highway along with the

Few speeding vehicles,

While vehicles with their light

We were with the moon light so tediously.

As we walked on and on, to the tune of 

Nonchalant night and sound

 Of movement of vehicles, 

We cherished and chatted about

The memorable and interesting moments

We have had in the gathering,

As an entertainment for us to

 Forget the tiredness and

Keep moving further.

On the culverts along the road,

We stopped by couple of times to rest and

To regain the strength to walk further.

After walking one and a half hour

Finally we returned to college,

With , dead thirsty, completely tired,

Exhausted, and acute pain in our legs.

Yet with lots of contentment and enjoyment,

That the awesome  day planted within us,

 For we managed to come together and celebrate

 The very special day, in whatever little way we could,

Of all, in the foreign soil!!!!!!!!!!

Tashi Delek Your Majesties!!!!!!!!


  1. A beautiful post bro! I liked the lines talking about our girls and autos abandoning us, :D

  2. Nice to know that you guys celebrated, i feel bad that your auto or girls didn't turn up. Anyways your decision to walk has made the celebration memorable i guess. Keep posting...

  3. Pelzang! you are right, that night we were really was really tough walking at night but yeah really walking made our celebration memorable one..
    Thx both of you for your time on this...keep visiting!!!!!!!!!!


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