Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer Vacation Back Home

As I mount education ladder higher and higher time to stay back in the village with parents runs shorter year by year. Sometimes I have to compromise vacations for internships. Consequently even on vacations reaching back home becomes unfeasible. This summer vacation as I was not required to intern as intended I made home for month long vacation.
Life back in the village with parents no doubt is awesome as well as challenging. Especially in summer being the busiest season it’s quite tiring and challenging. It is not easy and cozy like that of sitting comfortably under the fan in the class. Folding my arms and sitting idly as college going student would be too disgraceful when parents are so busy under sweltering sun so much so that they yearned to borrow even street dogs’ hands if ever helpful to them. I tried my best to contribute my hands as much as possible in their needy times in the short vacation. If I don’t contribute during vacations which I rarely get to go home then there is no way I can help them on other times, otherwise I have to compromise with my studies which they would not allow as they always say “ we don’t want you to suffer day and night back in the village like us".
I being brought up in the village I do know the realities of village folks how they toil but pinch is aggravated when I’m in their shoes. First day somehow went like in the college only. By the time I knew it was time to stir up my brother in-law has already reached one load of firewood. From next day I also followed their schedule with them. Unlike before now they are woken up by mobile alarm which was not the case few years ago rather they were woke up by their natural alarm, crowing of cocks, for which every household used to own at least one cock. Though I did not set alarm but I could hear ringing of alarm and my sister waking up as we slept in the same room because of Khepa fear. There was not much that I could help my sisters in the early hours of dawn but when I saw my in-law with axe on his shoulder and rope on his hand I felt I could do something to make little difference .I used to follow him with rope but he would not dare to take me, he would say, no I’ll go myself, but I would not listen I used to accompany him, at least as long as I stayed with them.
Of all work the most tiring and toiling I found as well as they said is weeding of maize plant. In our village maize plant before it becomes ready to consume and reaches to anybody’s’ attire it has to get weeded three to four times for proper growth. If it lately weeds then weeds are grown longer than maize and tracing the maize plants from bushy weeds consume lots of workers and villagers try weeding as early as possible. By the time I reached they were troubling to complete first phase.
I, spade on shoulder and bamboo woven hat on my head walked to the maize field with my in-law. Reaching spade to every maize plant under sweltering sun was challenging and cumbersome. It was not like holding the pen and scribbling under the fan in the class. Steam of sweat flew from the face but no time to rest under cool shelter when weeds were growing longer and longer day by day and dominating tiny maize plants and looked like shouting them to be removed. No time to rest even if it had rained, unless heavily, either. At the end of the day I saw my hands were blistered. For them they have become used to and rarely get blistered. When I went next day for same work I could feel the pain but I realized it was just temporary for me but for them they have to work until dooms days. I could not imagine how they would endure if they were to work like summer for whole life. But it’s fortunate only in summer and in winter they don’t to have work like in summer so heavily. When I said to my sister , If I were to stay in the village I would not be able to work, She smiled and said, “you don’t have to you’ll get employed”.”When would I get employed?”, I thought. I see how much they suffer and sacrifice for me. I know I’m studying at their cost of handwork which is why sometimes I wish to get employed faster so that they can freed from burdening and I can help them but I guess day is not far for that.
Beside above I also reached to make the boundaries for partition of maternal grandfathers’ land among uncles and aunts as land survey team was reached to our gewog. Walking two hours and making boundaries cutting the dense forest was quite tough as well as enjoying. I have been to the place where I’ve never been before. I got chance to hear from my grandpa how he inherited from his father and how he acquired for his siblings. He also narrated few of other tales.
The worst part of my vacation was that Khepa fear. This rumor endangered my enjoyment and left never peace for whole vacation. I don’t know whether Khepa really exist or not but it was very difficult to go out even once it was dark. However optimistic I’m when whole village was into this rumour and heard, there they saw, here they saw, late night they saw big torches flashing around their house, their house were locked form outside and so, I also veered automatically to their belief. I vividly remember how I slept for whole vacation. We all slept in one room  with sharp knife under pillow. And, bow and few poisoned arrow near pillow read to shoot if ever Khepa appears. I wondered whether we would have able to shoot if ever really Khepas had appeared. But I belief this was just to feel secure. Once even villagers thought of grouping with bows and arrows and hide somewhere but this was not happen. Whenever they saw new faces then they suspected as Khepas. By the time my vacation got over this rumour collapsed and today people in my village almost back to normal peace without fear.
What is there more exciting then meeting with dear parents?. When I stepped on the door I saw happiness with smile in their face and as much as they were happy I was also happy to meet them safely. With all parentally care they treated with best of their food for all times. At the eve of departure relatives gathered to see off with few bucks and few gallons of Ara. I retracted their offer of few bucks and said seeing off itself is enough but they would not listen , its just for cup of tea, said many of them. No option, however i tried to turn down they would not listen I had to accept despite i knowing how much they toiled for single penny. But within, the guilt is burning for accepting their hard earned money. One fineday before too long  i'm sure i'll reciprocate.
 "I’m going stay nicely" I left the home then. After striding few metres I turned back and  saw tears filled in their eyes.I could see how emotionally they weaved at me. In return i also weaved at them.  My eighty five year  grandpa seemed quite doubtful whether his life could resist for  next meeting as i could read from his gestures when i turned back and weaved at them. May everything remain safe and nothing happen back home. May I meet my beloved parents as safe as before in next vacation………….
Life back in the village is cumbersome toiling round the clock everyday but I enjoyed and satisfied no matter however cumbersome it may be .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2010-2011 academic year kicks off

Again another grueling  academic year which is the fourth academic year of my degree begins with every professor yelling, ‘welcome to fourth year’. Teachers with smile in their face briefed dos and don’ts in the class and also for the course they teach which according to most of them are non negotiable and have to comply with ‘as is’ sheds from their mouth.

After the long vacation first class seems not much interest and appealing to most of the student as i could see hardly very few are up to the teachers while many are busily engaged in chatting and some freely walks in and out. Following this many teachers let off the class quite early promising to start the normal class from the next day.

With every new academic year and every new semester I aspire to pull up academic grades to maximum possible level, atleast higher than bygone semesters. So, as wishes, hope everything goes well and ends well......

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

5 day holiday(2nd-5th April)

All students long holidaying and count down the days ever since they saw the list on the calendar. Many maneuver plethora of activities for this holiday before hand. Some prefer trip while for some they prefer movie and so on. Most Indian comrades they go home. But we, the Bhutanese folks, unlike most of the other times this time no body went out all were restricted to campus only. And, five long days are too less to make to and fro journey from our home land either, so no alternative other than loafing in the campus.
Internet stars when it comes to disposing boredom. Every body imprisons to their 4walls of room and no body is seen out until meal time. I too was in this category only I too stayed inside my room only surfing net whole day. Sometimes I chatted and sometimes I visited social networking sites and so on. With these activities I sensed that days moved faster. And more over the heat outside was pretty sweltering. This instigated me to stay inside the room only surfing and sleeping. Two days passed some how with these monotonous routines.
The 3rd day was quite interesting we had dry picnic. We made Bhutanese dishes and went out from the campus. It was only towards dusk we could go out from the campus. We tried right from morning itself but we could not as climate was damn hot. It was very difficult to walk even can’t imagine the picnic. Another last two days got over swiftly with monotonous routines of first two days.
When our holiday kicked off with ‘good Friday’ I was worried how I would get through five long days but I was wrong to think that way. I did not trouble even a bit to get through I felt the days went by so fast but I did not realize what pushed me to think that way. The saddest part of this holiday is  I did not work on even a word for my assignment. Till then let’s strive from now on then. Holiday is already over now.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Internship at Paro District Court-II

The internship in the court was my first time ever to explore the pragmatic realities of the course I’m pursuing. It surely afforded a groovy chance for me to experience the realities beyond the ‘law in books’ and procedures to operate ‘law in action’ effectively and expeditiously which would enable to render justice to all people.
Justice knows nothing. It eyes all people from all walks of life equal, no discrimination. So to seek this people from all walks of life and of all ages for different reasons walk to court. Some come with smiling face while some are almost dead face. Some come leaving behind all important works and wait in the court room for hours and hours only to find at the end either their opponent has not turned up or judge or their concerned clerk is absent. With no alternative they return to home with full of frustrations without any achievement. At least for absent of their opponent they get compensation for their long wait but for absent of judges or clerks they don’t get anything other than aggravating their frustration.
The real -live drama is exhibited before the judge. Every litigant tries best of their ability to get the judgment in their favor. They dig all evidences bringing the live even casual talks, pranks and confidential talks they had when there were once best neighbors or friends or couple.
The tragedy sprouts when the case is in between parents and their children. They don’t spare even a bit they go on alleging what not things. They don’t care anything if by alleging in that way get what they wanted. They become a grave enemy and forget about their parent-child bond.
More stern tragedy is on the day the judgment is pronounced. Especially in criminal cases people uncontrollably release their stream of tears continuously when they hear ‘you are sentenced to life or some years’. In civil cases some party walk out with smile in their face while some with frowned face for lost of their case. But right to appeal within ten days serves as solace to their lost which gives some hope to win if they prefer to exercise this right.
One would surprise to see in the courts that some litigants are with casual dress which is actually not allowed in any circumstances. But these are no other than those detained criminals. They hide their hand cuff chain such a way that no body could locate. Unfortunately at the end they cannot hide who they are. Every body gives a glance at them the moment they saw them. For some criminals this stigma itself is a deterrence but for some criminals its nothing it’s just a routine for them. They don’t bother to face this stigma and get punishment escalated especially those habitual criminals.
In Bhutan except the king no one is above the law. So, all are subject to same procedures in the court which I found this thing quite interesting. The list for such sort of incidences in the court goes on and cannot have exhaustive list with every new case with new facts coming everyday. Let’s put my part end here.
I had a great time there though it was just a month long. For the first time I got to deal with people from all walks of life which I found it interesting as well as tiring.
Looking forward to do my coming internship in one of the courts only.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lecture by AP Governor

Today we had a guest lecture on ‘National Security; The Challenging Paradigm by Shri E.S. L Narasimhan, the governor of Andhra Pradesh. He harangued  on why and how the  national security has become a challenge over the years.
The concept of national security has undergone a drastic change  today. It no more confines to protection of borders from external agression by arm forces, he said.
He went on to mention about allegation of violation of human rights by police on suppression of criminals for larger public interest. He also talked about suspension of human rights during exigency.
He eloquently and spontaneously gave a mind blowing lecture which I felt it was worth attending it. But unfortunately despite this I having sited at the back could not capture all valuable points because of which I’m not able to produce whole thing in detail here, just producing important headings whatever little I could recollect. More over our college three day gala got over yesterday only and that hang over left me quite sleepy throughout the lecture. Still then I enjoyed.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Farewell to our out going seniors

Whenever people say farewell party I decipher as signal that somebody is moving out of the group temporarily or permanently. Today was our farewell to our seven outgoing seniors. They are the 3rd Bhutanese batch graduating from this University. Though there is another one month for them to graduate but we thought that it is always wise to bid at this time thinking that time wont permit for them to join at eleventh hour as they need to pack up a lot and more over we cannot risk future unforeseen circumstances, so we thought at earliest possible at this time is best move for them as well as to us.
Like it happens in every farewell party, all outgoing seniors were asked to pour out some words on whatever they feel like if they have any. All of them tried their best to do that and they did it. Some of their speeches were quite touching. In return we the juniors also tried our best to say few words. My part is produced below.
Five year is matter of long years and you have travelled a long way on the thorny path and this is the moment for you all to rejoice the reliefs of hardships you all have been through all these days. So for that I would like to solemnly congratulate all of you from my bottom of heart. You all made the way through, that’s all.
This is the 3rd year we have been staying together and in this period deliberately or accidently or inadvertently or by heat of passion I might’ve hurt you with muttering intolerable words or by any other means. As far as my memory is concerned i don’t remember anything. Incase if I had then I beg your forgiveness, Please. Just leave right away, those intolerable words if i have permanently printed in your memory, before you leave from this University. Don’t smuggle it beyond our college gate, so throw away right away. For this I trust you all, you all are law persons.
We have been leaving like a siblings from same flesh and blood and in this sprit you seniors have rendered every needy help to us. You laid you helping hand to us in every needy time and you laid your hands of consolation and pranks in all needy times. We would definitely cherish memorable days and moments we had with you guys. So for all these i thank you all awfully.
And also, hope you guys won’t forget the bond of friendship and principle of brotherhood we shared together .Dont forget to drag the strings of our bond of friendship and principle of brotherhood wherever you go. Remember we are always behind holding from other end of the string .Hope you all would continue this 'as it is' until your doomsday
Once you spread from this group i bet we cannot meet as a group like today as we have our own roles and responsibilities which would definitely keep us busy one way or other. So wherever and whenever we meet hope you guys would figure out us if we meet on the day and recognize our voice if we meet at night
So lastly i with  wholeheartedly wish you tons and tons of luck in whatever you do in the days to come by.

Internship at Paro DIstrict Court-I

Just knowing the location of Ripung dzong and believing the Court is in the dzong I kicked off my first day treading to dzong  from above PCE main gate through PCE on the black paved road embellished the sides with winter icy frost. As I neared the dzong I was little tensed for I might not able to locate judiciary section instantly but fortunately I did not trouble to the extent I had anticipated. With the guard right infront of the dzong no sooner had I entered from the dzong I made out the judiciary section. So I proceeded and as I entered through door I noticed that some staffs gave a quite glance at me. They thought that I was there for litigation as by the time I was there the court was filled with litigants. Without sinking in the crowd of litigants for long I went directly to one staff and asked, “Can I know the Dasho’s chamber la, I’m here for internship? “Sure la” he uttered. And he ushered me to Dasho’s (Bench I) chamber and briefed to Dasho why I was there. Then I introduced myself why I was there and how long I would stay there. Instantly he asked one of the staffs to arrange  the office for me  djacent to another Dasho’s chamber (Bench II). He told me to attend hearings and proceedings daily and I was then sent to the arranged office. From there on my month long battle began.
First day was quite challenging living on my own world hardly knowing any staff properly but on second day Dasho introduced all most all staffs and I was bewildered to notice two of my high school mates working there whom I failed to figure out on the first day. As I headed on with every new day with their presences I came to know all staffs and became so friendly and by the end of my stay I felt like I was regular staff.
 I really loved the way they interact with strangers and treatment rendered to me. They were really helpful and supportive. Hope they would do same to others who may come for internship like me.
Bench Dasho Lugten Dubgyur was quite serious so most of normal proceedings except miscellaneous hearings I attended in Bnench II with Dasho Passang Wangmo. I could raise any doubts I encountered and opinions without any hesitation for she being friendly at least to me.
Despite their busy engagment when i all of sudden declared my last day they did spare some time for the small tea party which was a big surprise to me but unfortunately Dasho Lungten was out of the office. On his absentia others made a point to see off with a smile in my face. With Dasho Passang's golden words of advice they presented a memorable  gift .
No doubt certainly i would cherish through out my life the wonderful moments and days i had  with them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mid Semester Exam is over now

 After a week long peaceless days finally mid semester exam got over today.  I’ve every reason to rejoice the relief but  it's just temporary. More than that many submissions are waiting in line which are not very far which I need to work on from now on. Really hectic days ahead, coming month is the last month of the semester  and at the end another big exam is waiting which  will definitly cost busy line to extend further right from very beginning of the month. Lets close the  eyes and keep going on. Time to go Bhutan also nearing.
The exam  was okey except last paper. I think i landed somwhere in the middle with a hope atleast to manage pass marks. Thank god first  paper did no go worst  like last paper had it then rest of the papers would not have reached to the present level.

Lecture by a judge of the Supreme Court of India

Today we were privileged to have Justice Burnly in our University to give a talk on very important theme, “The Opportunities and Future Prospects of Law Graduates”. He is presently a judge in the Supreme Court of India. He was accompanied by two judges of Andhra Pradesh High Court.
He briefed how lawyers play a tremendous role in reconstruction of the society and also the importance of legal profession in today’s epoch. He said legal profession has been playing high-flying role since very long time back. He went on to say that all past imminent leaders were lawyers and even many leaders today are rooted from legal profession. Pratima Patel, the President of India, was a lawyer pre to her present post. He named many other leaders who were lawyers.
So he congratulated all students for making the right choice at first place to study the law. But making another choice after graduation is more important, he said. For this, he talked on kind of working environment the lawyers are subjected to in corporate sectors, NGOs, lawfirms, and Judiciary. He being a judge and working under judiciary he narrated encouraging incidences that he has encountered in his last 19 years service in the judiciary. He said unlike in corporate sectors in judiciary the works the judicial officers get to do would not become monotonous for they get to deal new facts every new day. He related this to his friend. Though his friend’s salary was colossal but still then he regretted for joining the company.
Most Indian law graduates prefer to join only in corporate sectors and law firms and they barely prefer to work in the judiciary either because of Judicial Service Exam or peanut salary. At the end of the day what matters is money so doubtlessly main rationale I could conclude for baking off could be definitely because of peanut salary. Same is the case with our Bhutanese Judiciary, peanut salary for judicial officers. Despite this, lawyers still prefer judiciary owing to the fact that Judiciary confers a unique title ‘Dasho with long sword and green scarf’ to every judge right from assistant judge. So more scope to fetch that title in long run if they join judiciary.
 Unlike India in Bhutan despite Judicial Service Act already in place until now we don’t have Judicial Service Exam.  I guess the day is not far for Judicial Exam to be in place but  lets not hope for at least next few years, let my chance come first huh!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mid Semester Exam on the horizon

Our every second semester  of  the  every academic year is very short but despite this it’s imbued with plethora of academic activities and mandates because of which we feel semester gets over in a wink. Since last exam we had it’s been not even a month and again another exam, the mid semester exam which is our second exam of the semester, is on the horizon, just one day away.
Who cares to study until eleventh hour? I reeled my head toiling round the clock for couple of days, nevertheless a long way to go, still left few chapters. But I’ve only a day left and I wonder how far a day will make a difference. I proceed  on and on,completing chapters and chapters but by the time I complete all chapters my tiny memory has already started losing whatever I’ve completed and already made his half way doing this, because of which sometimes I wish I’ve computer brain so that I wont lose already completed portions.
I strive  my best to complete the portions and perfect what ever I could no matter whether I get proportionate results or not. What I belief is that if I don’t study and flunk then surely remorse would follow because I would thought that  had I studied I would have got through. But after studying whatever I could and flunk then remorse would not follow because I did my job. Rather I would think what more I can do even after my dead effort I flunked. And, capitulate to fate which everyone is subjected to and nobody is subjected to  escape from his trap.
Lets see how it goes this time, hope everything goes well. May almighty be generous with me to sail through this exam successfully.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Again guest lecture

Today also we had guest lecture on two different topics, “Government liability” by Prof. Lewis N, Klar from Canada and “Anti-corruption laws” by Dr. Andrew Brady Spalding from U.S. A
Prof. Lewis talked more of tortious liability of government and narrated few Canadian cases where government was sued for negligence in executing the policies and decisions not for negligence in framing of policies. He also compared Canadian tort law and Indian tort law. To this, he said that there is not much difference he could make out and more or less both are on same track for common law in place for both the countries.
Prof. Andrew’s lecture was centered on the FCPA(Foreign Corrupt Practice Act), 1977 and corruption in international business. He briefed on FCPA and consequences of violation of FCPA, how US companies were fined for bribing the foreign companies. He said that companies were fined thrice the profit they received from bribe and owing to which Companies wondered whether their companies would sustain paying this much fine? Companies also left in dilemma whether they can afford to do business with corruption prone countries?
Except few, most trans-national business takes place with under table business, so certainly  with increment of enforcement of FCPA the foreign investment will dwindle in bribery prone countries, said the Prof. Andrew.
FCPA is applicable to only US entities and and non US entities in the territory of the United States.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lecture on different themes

This semester we are having series of lectures on different issues and today again we had lecture on three different themes, “Globalization of Legal Education and Legal Profession” by Prof. C. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, O.P Jindal Global University and Dean, Jindal Global Law School, “Structural and Substantive Development in the U.S. Supreme Court by Prof. Peter H. Schuck , Professor of Law, Yale Law School, and “Global Research and Internship Programs” by Prof. Jonathan A.Burton-Macleod, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean(Research) Assistant Director, Centre for Global Governance and Policy.
Since 2009 Prof Raj Kumar has given more than 200 talks on this theme in different law Colleges and Universities all over India. He highlighted the importance of studying the law and possessing the quality legal profession. He said that post independence period most Indians’ option was medicine and engineering and law was given the last option. But legal professionals play immense role in national building and social engineering. Many greater leaders were rooted from legal profession like Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer and many other leaders were lawyers.
The society to be a rule of law society there should have good chunk of legal professionals. To have good chunk of legal professionals people should have interest to study the law and know the law. Having interest itself is not enough if there is dearth of supporting mechanism, so there should be other mechanism like proper and quality law universities and professors in it.
One of the means to ensure quality of legal education is through establishment of National Law Schools beside private law schools. He said, this is a revolutionary step to upgrade the quality which is already in progress and of 913 law schools in India 13 are already National Law Schools.
How many teachers in Law Colleges and Universities are by choice and interest?, he asked. He said that many law teachers are not by choice but they joined teaching because they did not get other jobs. So to ensure quality legal profession and education there should have quality teachers which their option must be by choice and interest not by unemployment compulsion. Further he said that to globalize legal education students should strive to do global research.
Prof. Peter talked on the developments happened to U.S Supreme Court. In process he compared Indian Supreme Court and US Supreme Court. He said that unlike Indian Supreme Court before US Federal Supreme Court there is less number of cases. In US there is Supreme Court in every state (50 State and unlike Indian judges US judges cannot become politician once they resigned.
Prof. Jonathan talked on internship programs offered by his organization. He said interested can apply and experience it. He also shared his experience on various internships he carried out in different countries.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lecture on transparancy in use of Electronic Voting Machines(15th February, 2010)

 Unlike most of the other countries’ democracy the Bhutanese democracy was born only after invention of EVMs which has aided to pull through first ever Bhutanese parliament election process very easily and successfully. But did Bhutan realize EVMs are tamperable? Certainly!, No body might have thought about this fact for many saw for the first time and used it for first time as well ,  rather everybody’s thought was driven to advantages track only .
Like many Bhutanese folks I too did not know about this fact not latter than recently when two persons, Till Dr. Jaegar from Germany, a specialist in Copyright and Media law who had won a judicial verdict against EVMs from German Supreme Court and V.V. Rao, an activist in fighting for transparency and accountability in Indian EMVs, came to our University to harangue on transparency in use of EVMs.
Both of them said that though the use of EVMs, unlike paper ballot, economies the time required for counting the votes and many other malpractices related to elections, however, EMVs being man made machines, are tamperable. They also said that they evidenced and demonstrated how it is tamperable.
Dr, Till Jaegar challenged before Germany Supreme Court and won the verdict against use of EVMs and accordingly German Supreme Court banned the use of EVMs in German elections.
V.V. Rao who has observed malfunctioning of EVMs in the last Indian Parliament elections filed PL before Indian Supreme Court. He said that before filing PIL he conducted through survey on use of EVMs and got similar results from all places that there is something wrong with use of EVMs. He also said that EVMs do not assure whether the vote is counted against the person whom voters have voted? or Neither there is proof that vote is counted to candidate against whom voters have voted?.
V.V. Rao was directed by Supreme Court to deal with matter with Election Commission of India (ECI) but despite his consistent effort to convince the Election Commission that EVMs are tamperable the ECI did not allow them even to demonstrate fully how EVMs are tamperable rather ECI said that EVMs cannot be tampered.
Whether to use EVMs in Indian elections is still in pipe line as the matter is still pending but what about to our Bhutanese elections. Though we have passed through first parliament election with use of these EVMs successfully, but would Bhutan be able to use EVMs through out the life of Bhutanese democracy? who knows the day may come to face Germans' fate also, as Bhutanese EVMs are not different from the ones used by Germans and Indians.Anway lets wait and see in the next elections till democracy subsists.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BSA (Bhutan Students Association)meets for Dawadangpa Losar

However we are close or near to each other it’s very difficult to meet each other, keeping one way or other always engaged in our own way, unless propelled by inevitable circumstances. Bhutan Student Association (BSA) own by four executive members was born to bridge this gap of Bhutanese Students overseas who are for studies and more importantly to prove and flaunt to the world that Bhutanese culture is the inherent quality of every Bhutanese fellow and not forgotten wherever we go. Without such association overseas it would be too disgraceful for not being able to notice Bhutanese fellow even next to your door. So, BSA pulls all Bhutanese students together at least once in a year to mark Bhutanese festivals, during which many get to meet their friends who have been lost without met for ages.
As far as BSA at my place is concerned we get together twice in a year, on Thrue Baab and Dawa Dang pa Losar. When it is very thorny to meet even two people’s convenience together on the same day, what to say about meeting of 80-90 peoples’ convenience together on the same day!, it’s very difficult. Bhutanese festivals rarely fall either on week ends or either of the holidays we get here, as a result to mark on actual day becomes unfeasible. So we celebrate normally on week ends if it falls on our working days. This year though Dawa Dangpa Losar was on Sunday (14th February) but as we had exam on Monday just a day after the actual day of Losar, so we gathered on Saturday (13th February) for the same.
The day was maneuvered to be spent with gamut of activities no lesser than what we used to do back in home land. Both undergraduates and masters students from different colleges and universities dressed in best of their attires gathered to kick off the first program of the day, to have lunch. With lunch all were energized to move to another program of the day, the football match, which was the main program of the day. There were four teams. Under a sweltering sun all team toiled best of their ability to notch up as many goals as they could to get the little price. All teams’ best effort with a desire to legally snatch the little price vanished in the air when our college team beat all three teams and took the price. By the time football match was over the day was already turned to dusk.
After football match all gathered for election of new BSA executive members as the year long tenure for old executive members was over. The election was done for four executive members, president, vice president, general secretary and treasurer. This was done within an hour. After election all executives’ members, one by one, both new and outgoing were let to address the gathering. After this, the night program which consisted of cultural programs and hip hop dances was started together with drinks. Few group dances lasted an hour which was then followed by couple dance.
For sometime hall turned to discotheque with music on the top of everything and everybody dancing. Dance was halted for dinner and after dinner it was already then. Every body rushed to wrap up the program. Finally with Tashi Labae, the celebration ended. After Tashi Labae every body dispersed to their respective colleges with contentment that they had fun and enjoyment not lesser than what they would have  had they been back in homeland.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Surprise Test

Since the day I was told about this odd exam called ‘surprise test’ that I have to give every first month of every semester, I was never left in peace from wondering that whose brandchild it was and for what greater purpose it was brought into our curriculum? Does any other university also conduct this sort of test? It’s been three years living with this exam now but till date I don’t have any idea whether any other university anywhere in the world has similar system like ours. My ‘frog in the pound’s knowledge would be too less to conclude that there is no university other than ours' which has such a  system, nevertheless, at least  from  the universities I know, I would admit that there is no such system. What ever may be, this is really a unique test, a schedule-less test, that has immense ability to screw the students to the extent of lamenting that if they are ever given chance to choose either of electric shock or surprise test shock they would go for electric shock.

This time is the 6th time I’m appearing and yeah! Compare to first time I’m bit adapted with it. I vividly remember how it has screwed us in the very first month of first semester when we were struggling to get rid of our nostalgic ridden heart. At least, University prescribes limitation period during which, by any means, this test should get over. Unlike previous years this year they have reduced the period to one week and accordingly eased the students. Though the nature of test demands to get prepared all subjects together as they would not know which subject they would get next day but it’s very difficult to study all subjects together, so  many students take risk and go for predication only to find next day just topsy-turvy, not what they predicted, and as a result many land up in zeros. This time it happened to me it was cumbersome to study all subjects together so I took risk and left one subject simply by flipping few pages only to find next day the same subject which I barely touched the previous day. But, thank god! At least there was a question from what I’ have flipped few pages the previous day. It’s for sure I won’t get good mark but at least I saved zero…and more over every mistake is a great teacher. I won’t make same blunder in coming semesters.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The first time ever beyound the Bhutan gate

          Who would ever think back the intricate situations behind, when one continues to sail in the ocean of happiness? It is very difficult to skirmish against ‘troublesome moments’ once we are overwhelmed by ‘joyous moments’. Troublesome moments of the past strike abruptly in midst of happiness, leaving oneself nostalgic.
             Three young boys never thought of the troubles behind after getting selected for the undergraduate professional course in India. The overwhelming happiness overthrew all difficulties and troubles that they would face on their way to the place directed by the authority. Of course they did realize that after 3 -4 months they would leave Bhutan but how and with whom are the questions that remain shrouded. Having stayed for 4 months in the capital challenging against chilly climate, the time came for them to leave their motherland. They came from Thimphu till Phuentsholing bidding adieu to their relatives and friends. 2 days were spent and they got the tickets to leave for Kolkata on the 3rd day .It was a genius that at least three of them had heard about the city dubbed Kolkata but it was futile for them to asked whether either of them had been there as they had not even crossed beyond Jaigoan.
           The first two days got over nonchalantly but on the next day when they stirred up they felt something strange, they could breathe the normal air differently for it was the very day they had to leave for Kolkata. Ultimately with all senses of strangeness the time approached to leave and precisely quarter minutes to three they all reported to the bus station. As they got in the bus their hearts began to beat faster and their senses became numb. Bidding adieu for the last time to their relatives and friends, the bus started its engine. ‘‘We are gone, see you all next time when we come back’’ they said without having found their seats.
              After parting from the Bhutan gate they turned back to have a last glimpse. The bus began to pass through the tea gardens and beetle nut trees. Dorji heard his two friends chatting which he could not decipher. They saw so many Bhutanese faces in the bus. The bus kept on moving at a snail’s pace. Dorji glanced through the window and saw that dusk had enveloped welcoming the night. The town of Siliguri welcomed them. No sooner did the bus halt, “break for ten minutes,” uttered the conductor. They remained confined to their seats. Roadside vendors came near shouting “do you want this and that?” but they paid no heed. The journey resumed again. Dorji stared at his two friends and saw that they had dozed off although it was very uncomfortable. Seeing this, Dorji was also tempted to rest for the night; he leaned to the sit and slept for a while. After about an hour the bus halted and the shout of the conductor ‘dinner…dinner’ woke him up. It was 1:30 a.m then. They got down from the bus and went to have dinner. The dinner was horrible but still then their hunger gave way.
           As the dawn broke, the movement of vehicles started to multiply and as the sun began to kiss through the windows, the heat escalated. Having travelled for some more hours, they came across a reading which said, ‘welcome to Kolkata.’ They felt excited on finding that they had finally reached. The bus stopped. Passengers started to get out one after another. They got out at last, took out their baggage and stood in one corner. Cabbies came shouting on top of their voices, ‘‘come here, where you want to go?” Two familiar faces came near them and asked, “Where are three of you going?” “We do not know,” Dorji responded. “Let’s take one cab and go’’, said the two familiar faces. They booked a hotel and stayed for sometime with 3 boys. The two said  they were studying in Pune. They helped the three boys to get the tickets from the agent.
           Their two friends left for Pune at 10 pm. They went back to the room and took rest. At 8.a.m, the owner woke them up and told them to be ready to head towards the station. They hurriedly took out their luggage and went to the manager who told them to pay the fare of Rs. 200. The boys responded, ‘‘will your driver put us in our seats in th train.” “Of course”, said the manager. They paid Rs.150 saying that remaining Rs.50 will be paid only when the driver reaches them to their seats. They reached the station and took out their luggage. They were dropped out in the middle of road, the driver did not fulfill his obligation. He made a turn and left. They were dumbfounded. They wondered whether such person existed elsewhere.
            Utterly frustrated with the inhuman act of the driver, they moved in to the station. They enquired about the train and the platform. They went and waited for the train. The much awaited train came after an hour of waiting. They had no idea from where to board. They sought help from a porter and found their seats. They spent a night in the train. The next evening, they reached the station from where they were supposed to get down. They made a call to one of the seniors to come and pick them up from the station.  Accordingly  two  seniors came and picked them up from the station.And, with all these difficulties on the way, they finally made to their destination.

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